Our Santa Cruz Plumbing Contractors Will Maintain Your Plumbing

plumbing emergency solutions

Believe it or not, you can avoid most Santa Cruz plumbing emergencies. That's probably not what you want to hear if you're in the midst of one right now, but it's true. The majority of the calls we get from homeowners in crisis situations are the result of inattention and neglect of their plumbing system. Those pipes and fixtures aren't indestructible, you know. To prevent most plumbing disasters, there are a few preventative maintenance tasks that should be performed regularly, including drain cleaning, water heater servicing, and plumbing system audits.

The Future of Plumbing in Santa Cruz Arrives Today

collection of high-efficiency water heaters in Santa CruzAn inspection of that old Westinghouse, American Standard, or Kenmore water heater might reveal that it's operating far below its optimum efficiency. If it's over ten years old, you should probably replace it anyway. The new models from those same manufacturers burn less fuel or electricity and give you better pressure and temperatures.

If you think your water heater is behind the times, let us come over and take a look. Our Santa Cruz plumbing contractors may have a few suggestions for upgrades.

Does your basement flood? There's a chance that the problem isn't actually in the basement. It could be on the roof. If your gutters are clogged and overflowing, water could be pooling outside your walls and seeping into the basement. Having an inspection done up top and down below is recommended. We'll take care of the plumbing portion by checking out your sump pump and making sure your drains are clear. That should eliminate any water accumulation.

How's that old Toto toilet or Gerber bathroom sink holding up? Have you inspected them lately? Energy efficiency applies to water, too. If your toilet is over twenty years old, you're using twice the legal standard for flushing. That standard changed back in 1992 from 3.5 gallons to 1.6. You can upgrade easily to a newer model and instantly save hundreds of dollars on your water bill. Give us a call (or click here) and one of our Santa Cruz plumbers will be happy to show you the way.